Board of Governors
Rev Dr N Cubitt - Chairperson / Member of Safeguarding Team
Rev B Harper - Vice Chairperson
Ms R Lavery - In Lieu of Transferors / Designated Governor for Child Protection
Mr R McIlroy - In Lieu of Transferors
Mr D Brewster- In Lieu of Transferors
Rev R Morrow- Education Authority Representative
Mrs K Simpson - Parent Representative
Mr B Keys - Parent Representatives
Miss S Swanson - Teacher Representative
Miss J Logan - Secretary / Member of Safeguarding Team
Duties of the Board of Governors
- Governors are responsible for the use of funds allocated to the school by the Area Board.
- Governors are responsible for ensuring that the teachers have the necessary facilities to provide a curriculum which meets the requirements of the Education Order and for producing a policy in relation to the curriculum.
- Governors are required to ensure that the appropriate arrangements are made for the admission of pupils to the school and for drawing up criteria which will be used for selection in the event that the number of pupils seeking to be enrolled exceeds the number of places available.
- The complement of staff in the school, both teaching and non-teaching, is controlled by the Governors and arrangements for dealing with issues involving Human Resources within the school also fall within their remit.
• If you need to contact the board of Governors for any reason please, put it in writing and address it to the Chair person of the Board of Governors.

Bushmills Primary School, 5 Priestland Rd, Bushmills, County Antrim BT57 8QW | Phone: 028 2073 1416