Access Keys:

Bushmills Primary School

8.45am - Doors open and children can be received into classrooms


9.00am - School begins

10.15am - 10.30am - Healthy Snack and Milk


10.30am - 10.50am - Outside Play


12.15pm - 1:05pm - Lunch


1.50pm - School Finishes for Primary 1 & 2 (Primary 3 Tuesday & Thursday)


Monday - Thursday School finishes @ 3pm

Friday - School finishes @ 2pm


Healthy Breaks

At Bushmills Primary School we operate a Healthy Break Policy. Healthy break tuck shop is provided in our school canteen for every pupil in the school, serving toast, bagels, pancakes and a selection of fruit each item coasting from 30p - 50p. Alternatively pupils can bring in their own piece of fruit, vegetable or sandwich. Pupils are also encouraged to drink water or milk at breaktime. 


Children have a 50 minute lunch break, children go to the school canteen first to have either a school dinner or pack lunch. They then have around 25minutes playtime outside while being supervised at all times.